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carbon neutral event

Organize a carbon neutral event. Compensate for the emissions of your event to the own carbon sink of Tampere Hall.

Carbon neutral event – reliably and transparently!

Tampere-talon hiilinielun istutus

This is how it is done

  • The total carbon footprint of the event is determined by our partner Puuni Ltd. The calculations have been prepared in cooperation with the Natural Resources Institute Finland.
  • The calculation considers e.g. the duration of the event, the number of participants, the modes and distances of travel and the menu offered. The compensation payment is determined based on these factors.
  • The number of trees equivalent to the compensation will be planted in the carbon sink of the Tampere Hall. Our carbon sink is situated in the city of Lempäälä, Kulju area.
  • You can visit the site to see “how your trees are doing”!
  • For example, compensation for a locally organized one day meeting of 80 people, is EUR 50 (VAT 0%). Against this amount, five trees are planted in the carbon sink.

Our carbon sink

  • Planting in the forest area began in late May 2020. The area is 1.9 hectares in size and comprises a total of 3,670 trees: alder, pine and birch.
  • The site will sequester 1,000 tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere over the next hundred years. This is equivalent to 250 New York flights or more than three million miles by car.
  • We currently offer compensation to our corporate customers only (meetings, congresses, corporate events and celebrations, trade fairs).
  • The Tampere Chamber Music 2021 festival was reportedly Finland’s first carbon-neutral classical music festival!
Tampere-talon hiilinielu Lempäälässä
Nina Prusi

What and why?

  • The effectiveness of carbon offsets can often be unclear to the buyer. You can go and see the carbon sink of the Tampere Hall on site.
  • Our carbon sink is truly incremental. This means that the trees are planted in a wasteland that would not otherwise be naturally afforested. Reforestation is essential for the implementation of compensation.
  • The permanence of the carbon sink, ie the agreement on the preservation of the forest area with the city of Lempäälä, is one hundred years. The forest will not be felled during this time.
  • Consumers and event attendees are increasingly aware and demanding of responsibility and environmental issues. For many, it is important that events and experiences are responsible and that compensation is implemented transparently.
  • Considering responsibility in your event gives your company a competitive edge and engages your customers.

Ecological responsibility is one of our values, so we have gladly seized the opportunity to offset our carbon footprint already on two occasions. The compensation price has been surprisingly reasonable, and the compensation has been made easy, as Tampere Hall takes care of all the work. The possibility of compensation definitely adds value to the event, and has received a lot of positive feedback from our membership as well!

Maria Silvennoinen, Executive Director, Jazz Finland

Companies that have opted for a carbon neutral event

Hiilineutraali tapahtuma AKT
Aurajoki toteutti hiilineutraalin tapahtuman Tampere-talossa
Lähitapiola Pirkanmaan logo
Tampereen lääkäripäivät logo
Kehitysvammaisten Tukiliiton logo
KIERTO FEST Future -kiertotalousmessujen logo

Got interested? Ask for a proposal!

Tampere-talo asiakkuuspäällikkö Tiina Lumio
Tiina Lumio

Account Manager
Meetings, Congresses and Corporate Events

+358 3 243 4766

Tampere-talo asiakkuuspäällikkö Mira Mäkelä
Mira Mäkelä

Account Manager
Meetings, Congresses and Corporate Events
+358 3 243 4761

Suvi Siivi, Talo Events Oy
Suvi Siivi

Account Manager
Meetings, Congresses and Corporate Events
+358 3 243 4994

Leena Sulonen Tampere-talo
Leena Sulonen

Sales Manager
Meetings, Congresses and Corporate Events
+358 3 243 4110