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The events at Tampere Hall are safe and equal for all participants. With safe events, we want to ensure that in particular vulnerable people and minority groups have the opportunity to take part in the events. The requirement of equality applies to the employees of Tampere Hall, partners, performers of the event as well as participants.

Yhdenvertaisuus Tampere-talossa
Visit Tampere Laura Vanzo

Principles for a safer space

Everyone is welcome to Tampere Hall as their own – both the staff and the customers!

The premises of Tampere Hall comply with the equality and non-discrimination laws in force in Finland. The law is designed to guarantee the safety and integrity of everyone, regardless of origin, ethnic background, age, gender identity, gender expression, health status, or illness. No one’s treatment shall be influenced by his or her political, religious or cultural background. We are all equal regardless of nationality, outlook on life, sexual orientation, disability, language, family status, social or economic cause or any other factor.

We promise!

Do You promise too?

  • To allow everyone to speak and be heard
  • To respect everyone’s personal physical and mental space as well as privacy
  • Not to make assumptions based on a person’s appearance or actions
  • Listen and learn by unprejudiced accepting new topics, people, and perspectives
  • To apologize for intentional or unintentional insult to others
Kuvassa kaksi Tampere-talon aulavahtimestari sinisissä takeissaan.

Good to know

  • All meeting and public areas of Tampere Hall are accessible. Our staff is trained to guide and assist customers with physical and sensory impairments.
  • Our staff is regularly trained to meet different customer groups.
  • Participants in the events have the opportunity to give feedback on the safety and accessibility of the event through feedback surveys and the Tampere Hall website. We always try to find out about disturbances that come to our attention, also when it comes to our knowledge afterwards.
  • We plan and monitor the gender distribution of artists and ensembles in the cultural program in order to achieve equality.
  • Tampere Hall’s equality plan has been drawn up in co-operation with our staff, and its implementation will be monitored, evaluated and updated by Tampere Hall Ltd´s Co-operation and Occupational Safety and Health Committee. All employees of Tampere Hall can participate in the development of equality.
  • Tampere Hall has a security sector business license issued by the Police Board. All of our lobby service staff on duty have received security stewarding or guard training.

Tampere Hall welcomes Toilet Card holders

The Toilet Card is designed to give people with bowel disease, endometriosis, neurological diseases, bowel or other type of cancer urgent access to the nearest toilet. One of the most uncomfortable symptoms these people can be suffering from is a functional disorder that includes having to go to the toilet frequently, sometimes dozens of times a day. This means that they must always stay close to a bathroom: when a toilet is needed, there is no time to look for one.

People with a Toilet Card need urgent access to the facilities due to a medical condition – thank You for cooperating!

Toilet card is taken out of a wallet
© IBD and Other Intestinal Diseases Association

Sakari “Sakke” Lehto has been brightening up Tampere Hall’s work community for 15 years

Sakari Lehto, a member of Tampere Hall’s staff for the past 15 years, brings joy and happiness to the team with his good humour as well as moments of surprise with his extraordinary memory. In Finland, only 500–600 intellectually disabled people do paid work under an employment contract, even though thousands are both qualified and willing to work.

In autumn 2022, Tampere Hall’s staff association went on a field trip to Hamburg. Inspired by the city tour, Sakke jumped on a bicycle for the first time in over a decade.
Tampere pride flag for awareness, which is a summary of the colors of well-known pride flags, reflecting all of us together.
Tampere pride flag for awareness

Manse Pride

Pride events are human rights and cultural events for gender and sexual minorities. Manse Pride Week is organized by the Sinuiksi ry (formerly Pirkanmaa Seta) and the City of Tampere. Tampere Hall was a proud partner of Manse Pride in 2022 and 2023, and will continue to be in the future whenever possible.

The best way to participate in Manse Pride is to commit to equality and follow the principles for a safer space. The commitment to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion is embedded into everything we do.

Tampere-talo on We Speak Gay -yhteisön jäsen
Kuva: Visit Tampere | Laura Vanzo

We Speak Gay

In May 2022, Tampere Hall joined the LGBTQ+ friendly We Speak Gay community, which aims to make Finland a more inclusive, safer and more empathetic society for LGBTQ+ people.

By joining the We Speak Gay community, we committed to year-round equality communications that include both internal and external communications. In addition, our staff receive training in sexuality and gender diversity.

Tampere-talo on We Speak Gay yhteisön jäsen

The We Speak Gay community was nominated for the 2022 Nordic Blaze Inclusion Awards.